
Friday, January 05, 2007

First Bottle Slump

Now I've found a use for all the O'Doulls bottles Jim is accumulating! I've been wanting to try this since summer, but just got around to it yesterday.

I slumped so slowly--something I never do. I should have let it soak a little longer, but I really liked the shape. Except it isn't closed up on the end. Could be a problem when washing.

It could be a spoon rest or a small cheese tray. It's a little plain--maybe needs some etching or painted flowers. Something food-safe, of course!

I need blue bottles and red and amber and...


  • At Friday, May 18, 2007 8:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey I LOVE THESE BOTTLES! Want to sell a few?

    How have you been - miss your posts and have been thinking of you lately.
    :-D eirdre


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