
Friday, January 12, 2007

Kaiser Lee Board

I ordered some Kaiser Lee Board from Two Lasses around Christmas and just used it yesterday. Thank God I had safety glasses and a mask--because that stuff sure gets powdery and air borne! It cuts like butter with the putty knife that came with my KLB kit from Two Lasses. I made a simple square mold--just under 8" square, with a 1" lip, and 1" deep.

My bowl had some rough edges but they came right off with my grinder today. Next time I will make a two-layer fused piece before I slump it.

I'm going to use the rest of the KLB to make a drop mold and a pendant mold.

Roxy my itty bitty dog posed with the bowls. I can't resist sharing these pictures! She's about 5 pounds, I think. Maybe only 4. Definitely not a big dog!

I melted another bottle. A Sobe drink bottle. The neck turned out really cool because the salamanders on the original bottle stayed on the melt--and they criss-cross because you can see through the clear glass.


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