
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Summer's Over...Almost

Summer's over and school is in full swing. Fall might not officially start until September 21 or whenever, but it really starts the first day of school.

The boys are all settled into their school routines. The twins like seventh grade a lot. They seem to be doing homework--some of it is even being done early!

Aaron loves first grade. Mrs. Thede, seems like a wonderful teacher--exactly what he needs. He's doing his work. He's reading the little books that come home. Most of all, he is very ready to read and cannot wait to learn. He has been interested in books since he was young, and that's half the battle!

Summer really got away from us. Baseball seemed to suck up our lives for so long. There was a scare it might go on...and on...when the coach from the neighboring town's travel team drove up one night and asked the boys if they were interested in playing. We're talked about it a lot before this happened and were prepared to say no. Next summer they will get to play with Coach Sneed again and they learned a lot from him. And we don't want them getting burnt out on baseball before high school.

All my plans to do "educational" things over the summer tanked. We played and goofed off mostly. Sometimes it's more important to just be than to learn. That's my story anyway. Although when I mentioned that we did nothing educational, another mom gave me a very sad look and I know I dipped lower on her mom scale. Guess what? I'm beyond caring about that.

I'm filling my suddenly free days with lunches with friends...postponed golf games. I started a drawing class this week with the DuPage County Art League. I loved the first class and think I will learn a lot. I've taken art classes before through local park districts and didn't really learn a lot. This definitely seems different.

Creativity wise I have been pretty low-key. I rearranged the master bedroom-studio space. It's still in limbo. I'm getting ready to throw out my idea of "perfection before creation" and cleaning off a small space to sew something. I have been knitting. I have a pair of lime green socks two up on circular needles Queen Kahuna style. I also am working on a new cardigan, the Shoal Waters. I knit through a foggy brain today because I have a cold and had to frog quite a few rows today. Word of advice: never knit while in the midst of brain fog!

The twins turn 13 on Saturday. Officially The Teens. God, I am not prepared! We're celebrating with a birthday party at the nearby bowling alley. Pizza, pop, and bowling with ten boys and their cousin Maggie. This should be a hoot...


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